Obligatory convoluted (and maybe lacking in sense) Statement of PurposeThis is a screenshot from my most recent favorite game,
Persona 4. Persona 4 is a relatively new Role Playing Game from the Playstation 2 that centers around the life of you, the protagonist, as your new town becomes increasingly disturbed by a recent string of murders taking place both in the town and nearby. The story, simply put, is a detective story with supernatural/fantasy elements. The gameplay is
RPG, but combines elements of life and dating sims. During the day, the game is a life/dating sim in which you go to school and interact with different characters most of whom you can form relationships (and thus open up sub stories) with. At night, the game turns into a dungeon crawler in which you summon "personae" beasts borrowed from Greek, Hindu, Christian, Historical, and Occult Cannons to fight shadows that haunt a weird "other" version of the town (somehow connected with the murders on the "real" side). As you form social bonds during the day, the personae you summon during the night become stronger, because those people you make friends with during the day have corresponding links- illustrated through the tarot- with the personae you fight shadows with at night. For example, the old widow dressed in black whom you meet at the hospital in your town after school represents the death
tarot. During the day, hanging out with the old widow means only that you unlock an entertaining bit of character interactions. However, at night, it means you've unlocked the potential to create even stronger Death personae. Likewise, the president of Student Council is represented in the other world by the Emperor Tarot, and he's someone you definitely want to talk to if you'd like to use the
Odin personae later on.
The first 3 hours of the game are almost completely text-based, in which the characters are introduced and the main plot is laid down. As I was reading up on Electronic Literature tonight, it came to my attention that
NO ONE CONSIDERS THIS LITERATURE AND I WANT TO KNOW WHY. It's got themes, a plot, characters, allusions to past literature... interactivity. Heck, it's got 3 Freakin' Endings! It's an interactive detective novel plus life sim plus choose your own adventure plus video game all coiled up into one. And it's not the only game of it's kind, either. Somehow, the people who study electronic literature have seriously and tragically overlooked videogames. That being said, this is my new project.
I'd like to focus on what I call the "forgotten" form Electronic Literature- console role playing games. While there's more than a little bit of research pertaining to digitized literature on the net, I was surprised to find that video games go almost completely overlooked. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, especially since plenty of Role Play Games like Final Fantasy share the "big themes" of epic literature and are much more literary than some of the superficial Elit I've seen which I swear just qualifies as lit because it features words. Plus, they're all interactive. Of course, not all games are made equal, but sometimes the stories are extremely compelling.
I mean, just look at this exchange from
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.
You may not know anything about the game, but judging that the above scene is just two lines in a longer, close to 40+ hour game, wouldn't you say that the game probably has some kind of thought out plot and some kind of epic theme? Seriously, the game takes "save the princess from the bandit" to a whole new level, since the "bandit", Delita, is a agent of the church who just happens to be the main character Ramza's best friend and old school buddy (Did I mention that Ramza is also a noble and a heretic, while Delita is a member of the lower class who's been "adopted" more or less by the aristocracy? So there's class struggle there). Moreover, once Ramza confronts Delita, he decides that, in light of recent plot developments, the princess Ovelia is better off in Delita's protection for the time being, and lets the two go their way. Maybe you think this has potential to be literary, or maybe you don't, but having played the game before I can say for certain that it is much more what I consider to be literature than some of the stuff considered "literature" in the field of cellphone novels and so on. Frankly, if some of are willing to consider comic books literature, then would this be the E-lit equivalent?